CS 431: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence


You can download the syllabus here. The syllabus includes information on grading, course goals, and policies I will use in teaching this course.



We will be using Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras & TensorFlow by Aurélien Géron. This is more of a reference book than a traditional textbook, that you will be able to use after you have graduated.


There will be five homework assignments over the course of the semester. They will be large—please allot them plenty of time. General specifications for your work can be found here.

Class Schedule

This is a tentative schedule for the class. I may change it depending on how the class progresses.

WeekDatesReadingsHomeworkFilesDue Date
1Jan. 21 - 24 Python Tutorial
“Humans Need Not Apply”
2Jan. 27 - 31
3Feb. 3 - 7 Sliding Puzzleslidingpuzzle.py
Feb. 16
4Feb. 10 - 14
5Feb. 17 - 21 “The Man vs. The Machine”
6Feb. 24 - 28 Chapters 1 - 3
Chess’s New Best Player...
“The Evolution of Trust”
Connect Fourconnect4.py
March 2
7March 3 - 7 Chapter 6
8March 10 - 14 Chapter 10
“How Machines Learn”
Midterm: Week 8
Spring Break!
9March 24 - 28 Chapter 11 Decision Treesvoting-data.tsvMarch 24
10Mar. 31 - Apr. 4
11April 7 - 11 Chapter 14
12April 14 - 18 Google Blog: Inceptionism... Convolutional Neural Networks(see class-only page)April 13
13April 21 - 25 Chapter 9
14April 28 - 30 k-MeansMay 4
Final Exam: Wednesday, May 7, 8:00


Projects are due at the end of class. Click here for some ideas.

Class-Only Information

Click here if you’re in the class, for more useful information.

Other Resources

Any other useful resources will be put here.