


America Chambers

Program Description

How does the human brain work? What does the future hold for our climate? When is it useful to distinguish between different levels  of infinity?

Mathematics provides the foundation required to answer some of the most complex questions of our time. Mathematicians design the models that enable us to understand and improve the structure of everything from transportation networks to physical processes. Whether or not practical applications are foreseen, mathematicians revel in exploring the structure and beauty of abstract patterns and logical relationships.

To equip students with the conceptual knowledge to tackle such problems, the curriculum stresses the development of problem-solving techniques, logical reasoning, and data analysis. Special emphasis is placed on the value of abstraction: the process of simplifying a messy real-world problem to focus on the relevant details. 

Who You Could Be
  • Mathematics teacher
  • Consultant
  • Financial representative
  • Technical services engineer
  • Researcher/research assistant
What You'll Learn
  • Core ideas in calculus and linear algebra, as well as a breadth or depth of understanding in other mathematical subject areas
  • How to write clear and correct mathematical proofs
  • Preparations for advanced study in any of a range of pure or applied mathematical study areas
Sample Courses

An introduction to areas of applied math that use the skills of first year algebra. There are many topics that could be covered: Linear Systems, Matrix Theory, Linear Programming, Counting and Probability, Game Theory, Markov Processes, Finance Models, Graph Theory. The specific topics covered are at the discretion of the professor and can be tailored to the backgrounds of the students. This course contains topics of particular interest to students studying business or business-related topics. It is an excellent choice for those students who are also seeking a minor in mathematics.

Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives
Three years of high school mathematics.

This course, a continuation of the calculus sequence that starts with MATH 180 and 181, is an introduction to the study of functions that have several variable inputs and/or outputs. The central ideas involving these functions are explored from the symbolic, the graphical, and the numerical points of view. Visualization and approximation, as well as local linearity continue as key themes in the course. Topics include vectors and the basic analytic geometry of three-space; the differential calculus of scalar-input, vector-output functions; the geometry of curves and surfaces; and the differential and integral calculus of vector-input, scalar-output functions.

Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives
MATH 181 or its equivalent with a grade of C- or higher.

This course is a study of the basic concepts of linear algebra and their applications. Students will explore systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, bases, dimension, linear transformations, determinants, eigenvalues, change of basis, and matrix representations of linear transformations.

Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives
MATH 180, 181 or 280 with a grade of C- or higher, or permission of instructor.

This course is about how to find the best - or at least good - solutions to large problems frequently arising in business, industrial, or scientific settings. Students learn how to model these problems mathematically, algorithms for finding solutions to them, and the theory behind why the algorithms work. Topics include the simplex method, duality theory, sensitivity analysis, and network models. The focus is on linear models and models with combinatorial structure, but some nonlinear models are considered as well. Optimization software is used frequently.

Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives
MATH 280, 290, and CSCI 161 or equivalent. All prerequisite courses must have been completed with a grade of C- or higher.

The calculus of functions with complex numbers as inputs and outputs has surprising depth and richness. The basic theory of these functions is developed in this course. The standard topics of calculus (function, limit, continuity, derivative, integral, series) are explored in this new context of complex numbers leading to some powerful and beautiful results. Applications include using conformal mappings to solve boundary-value problems for Laplace’s equation.

Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives
MATH 280 with a grade of C- or higher.

This course presents a rigorous study of abstract algebra, with an emphasis on writing proofs. Modern applications of abstract algebra to problems in chemistry, art, and computer science show this is a contemporary field in which important contributions are currently being made. Topics include groups, rings, integral domains, field theory, and the study of homomorphisms. Applications such as coding theory, public-key cryptography, crystallographic groups, and frieze groups may also be covered.

Natural Scientific and Mathematical Perspectives
MATH 290 with grade of C- or higher and MATH 300 with grade of C- or higher.

Experiential Learning

There are a variety of experiential opportunities for students:

Where Graduates Work

Our alumni work at:

  • Blizzard Entertainment (senior software engineer)
  • Boeing Company (electrical engineer)
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (research scientist)
  • Expedia (director of product management, media solutions)
  • Brouwer & Janachowski (prinicpal, financial advisor)
  • Prologis (vice president and director of research)

Where Graduates Continue Studying

Our alumni continue their studies at:

  • University of Wisconsin, Madison (Ph.D., chemistry)
  • Seattle University (M.B.A.)
  • University of Washington (Master of Education)
  • Oregon State University (M.S., chemistry)
  • University of Washington (Doctor of Science, physical science)