SCXT 350

Exam #3 Review

Disclaimer: I have attempted to be comprehensive in the following, but important items may have been omitted by mistake. If you see such an omission, please let me know, but you are responsible for all of the lecture material to date.

The second  hour exam will be held on Friday, April 2. It will cover

Be able to
  1. Knowledge Representation: 
    • Semantic Networks (brief sketches)
    • Scripts
  2. Talks
    • Mark Reinitz
    • Cathy Hale
  3. Expert Systems
    • Architecture of an expert system
    • Simple templates and facts (define and say what they mean)
    • Rules.  You will not be asked to write rules for this test (probably on the final exam), but you will be asked to say what rules may be fired and what will happen when they do.  No pattern matching (use of ?name) on this exam (though perhaps on the final exam).

There may be more, but I think that's it. If you have any questions, please ask.