SCXT 350

Exam #2 Review

Disclaimer: I have attempted to be comprehensive in the following, but important items may have been omitted by mistake. If you see such an omission, please let me know, but you are responsible for all of the lecture material to date.

The second hour exam will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 6. It will cover

Be able to

  1. Be able to describe the various approaches to knowledge representation taken in this course. You should be able to define terms, give descriptions, and draw sketches. I might, for example, give you some facts and ask you to sketch how these facts might be represented in the various schemes we have studied. We have looked at examples such as blocksworld, representations of simple sentences (The mild cat chased the big fierce dog), using the following schemes:
    1. Slot and filler structures
      1. Weak (records, frames (such as in CLIPS))
      2. Strong (as in scripts)
    2. Networks
      1. Simple "ISA" hierarchies (Clyde ISA elephant, etc.)
      2. Semantic networks
    3. Logic (briefly)
    4. Production systems (be able to give a definition and an example)
  2. Be able to give definitions of state, operator, preconditions, and postconditions, and to say how they might apply to some particular problem. Be able to describe depth-first and breadth-first search, give a definition of heuristics (and give an example), and describe means-ends analysis and production systems.
  3. Be able to describe the general architecture of an expert system.
  4. Be able to describe the physical symbol system hypothesis
  5. Be able to describe the Turing-Church hypothesis and say how it relates to CogSci.  

There may be more, but I think that's it. If you have any questions, please ask.