SCXT 350

Exam #1 Review

Disclaimer: I have attempted to be comprehensive in the following, but important items may have been omitted by mistake. If you see such an omission, please let me know, but you are responsible for all of the lecture material to date.

The first hour exam will be held on Friday, Sept. 22. It will cover

Be able to

  1. Discuss Descartes opinion on the idea of intelligent machines, and how Turing responds to it.
  2. Give a description of artificial intelligence, and describe (via Copeland and the video to be shown Monday and Wednesday) some of the efforts in the discipline.
  3. Give a description of the Turing Test, Turing's argument, his description of a "universal computer", and his response to some concerns (of his own invention). Paper and chapter 3.
  4. Give a description of what a computer is, how it works, what it can do (notes).
  5. Give a description of an algorithm, and say how algorithms may relate to cognitive science. (Turing-Church hypothesis, basic CogSci assumption).
  6. Very basic Lisp (only to the extent in the homework assignment). What is the relation between a Lisp routine and an algorithm?

There may be more, but I think that's it. If you have any questions, please ask.