Computer Science 455


Third Hour Exam





Name ______________________




The supplier-parts-projects (SPJ) database:


s(sno, sname, status, city)

p(pno, pname, color, weight, city)

j(jno, jname, city)

spj(sno, pno, jno, qty)








Wednesday, April 28, 2004

90 pts (will be normalized to 100 pts. in the gradebook)


I.          Bottom-up design:


a.         (15 pts.)           List and briefly describe the steps taken for each form or exhibit in a bottom-up design..










b.         (15 pts.)           Consider the following form, an order-invoice form for a company selling items through a catalog.  Construct a relational schema from the information on the form (remembering that there is an underlying catalog) and an entity-relationship diagram.  You do not need to go through the systematic steps you described in part (a).  Simply identify reasonable entities, attributes, and relations (writing them into a relational schema and an entity-relationship diagram).









YoYoDyne Ceramics Supply









Customer Number:



Order No:


Customer Name

Bob Matthews



Customer Telephone number

some number


Shipping Address (treat as a single field)

some address







Item No:

Item Description


Unit cost




Wood rib






50 lb DSRM






Kiln Blanket


























II.         Some more SQL  (all queries are with respect to the SPJ database on the front cover)


a.         (10  pts.) Find the part number and part names of parts that are not used on any London projects.














b.         (10 pts.)  Write a query to find out how many projects are in London (i.e., = ‘LONDON’).


c.         (15 pts.)  Construct a view (from the spj table) consisting of sno and pno fields and  the total number of  the part supplied by the supplier (over all projects).  The relational schema for the view is SP(sno, pno, qty).

















d.         (15 pts.)           Find the names of parts which are used on every project (i.e., parts for which, if jno is a project, then this part is used on that project).  This is a ‘forall’ question.






III.       Miscellaneous questions:


a.         (5 pts.) What is a trigger on a form (for example, associated with a button)?










b.         (5 pts.) Java deals with one record at a time, and a relational database works with a table at a time.  How does Java deal with this (please provide a little detail).