Computer Science 455

Exercise Set #6

Due: Friday, April 26

    More SQL (10 pts.)

On pages 185 - 186 work the following problems as exercises  in the relational algebra:

Problems 22, 25, 33 - 35, 40 - 44 (10 problems in all) were originally assigned.  Let's instead do (of the above) problems 6.33, 34, 40, 42, 44.  The other five problems except for problem 43 can be done for extra credit (half a point for each one).

Place the results in a file called in your home directory on Orion.  The first lines in the program should have

set echo on
#    Your Name Here

Each program should be prefaced by the problem it is to solve

#    Problem 6.33:  Get part numbers for parts supplied 
#    to any project in London
ANS := ...
#    Problem ... (etc.)


Due:  Friday, April 26

Any questions? Please let me know. Many thanks!