CSci 431

Exercise set #2

Due:  Friday, Sept. 24

  1. Write a function which takes a list and returns the number of atoms in the list and in any sublist.  For example, (countatoms '(a b c)) should return 3, but so should (countatoms '(a (b (c))).  The function applied to an atom should return 1, applied to an empty list it should produce 0.  Hint:  This is a mapcar/apply problem. 
  2. Write a function that makes sure that left parenthesis are appropriately matched with right parenthesis. Since we can't use parenthesis, use the atom l to indicate a left parenthesis, and the atom r to indicate a right parenthesis. So (parenthesis '(l l r l r r)) should return t, but (parenthesis '(l r r l l r)) should return nil.  Hint:  use a list as a stack.
  3. Write a function that prints out instructions for the celebrated Towers puzzle. Please note that this will require the use of a format statement. The function should take four inputs: number of disks to move, from-peg label, to-peg label, and free-peg label. For example, to move 3 disks from peg 1 to peg 3, we might type:  (towers 3 1 3 2).
  4. The function maxmin works the following way: if it is given an atom (assumed to be a number), it returns that number. If it is given a list of numbers, it returns the largest number. If it is given a list of lists (or a list of numbers mixed with lists), it returns the largest number found by applying the function minmax to the list. Minmax works in the reverse way. For example, (maxmin '(3 5 2)) returns 5, as does (maxmin '(3 (5 7) 2)) and maxmin((4 3) ((4 5) (2 7)) (2 1)), and so on. This function is used in two-person games in which a good board position for one player is a poor position for another.
  5. A node in a binary search tree consists of a data item (this will be a number for now) and pointers to left and right subtrees. We will implement this in LISP as (value left-tree right-tree) where left-tree and right-tree are null or are binary search trees. Do the following two exercises:
    1. write a routine which will list the nodes in order
    2. write a routine which will insert a node in the tree in the appropriate place

Assignments should be printed out.  I will also be trying to set up drop folders for the class as well.

Any questions? Please ask!