Exam 2 Review

Disclaimer: The following is intended to help you in your review for the first hour exam. While I have made every effort to be complete, please remember that you are responsible for all of the material covered so far this term from the last exam (through Thursday's lecture), with the possible addition of some material from Chapters 9 and 10.

The exam will cover chapters 12 - 15, 17 - 20, 21 - 24. There will not be a question from chapter 30 (which was assigned as reading). I'll put a question from this chapter on the final exercise set. There may also be a follow-up question on formal specification

General Comments

Please review definitions that have come up over the past several weeks. Be able to describe terms that we have used.

The exam will be a combination of short answer questions together with some technical questions (such as " Identify possible objects and services from the following description.". The "Key Points" at the end of each chapter are a good starting point for review, as are the exercises (assigned and not assigned).
