Computer Science 340: Term Paper


As a part of this course, you are asked to write a term paper on some aspect of software engineering. Topics may include (but are not limited to):

Topics are generally open, but must be clearly about some aspect of software engineering.  Reading suggestions at the end of chapters (or chapters not likely to be covered in the course) would serve as good starting points.

The term paper will account for 10% of your grade, and will graded both on the content of the paper (how substantive it is) as well as on the level of writing in the paper.

Schedule: The schedule for the term paper is included in the class lecture schedule.


Please note that fully 40% of the value assigned to the term paper is in material submitted before the paper is due. These will be mostly audits (except for the draft, where a substantial review is intended), though significant points will be deducted for incomplete work or for work not well thought out. Each of the initial four documents will be returned to you with my comments.

Late work on the term paper will be accepted for comment and review (except for the draft), but will not be given credit. That is, if the topic or thesis statements are turned in late for example, I will certainly review them, but a score of 0 points will be entered for the late item. If the final paper only is submitted, the maximum score would be 60 points (and generally much less than that).

Finally, because of problems with different computer systems, attachments and the like, all submissions must be on paper (word processor, not handwritten) and turned in during class on the date the item is due. Email submissions (with the exception of the informal proposal Sept. 26) will not be accepted, and will be considered late (i.e., I'll review and comment, but not give credit for them).


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