Computer Science 281

Exam 2 Review (draft)

Cavaet: Although I do not intentionally leave out material from exam reviews, you will be responsible for all material covered for this exam period, including reading, lectures, and homework. If you do spot an ommission in the following, please do let me know.

The following is intended only as a guide for your study. Although some exam questions may be similar to the items listed below, this review is intended primarily to guide your study.

The second hour exam will be held on Tuesday, March 26, and will cover chapter 3 of Tanenbaum (through the material on the one-bit ALU), chapters 3 - 5 of Paul, together with the material in chapter 11 on floating point numbers. You should certainly review the homework assigned as well. The outlines for lectures in the since our last exam are available in the handouts folder on Plato.

Data Representation:

Digital circuits:

Assembly language programming: