A short exercise in relative files using pointers to implement a hierarchial structure and hashing for direct access. The relative file CUSTOMER.REL contains information about customers, and is organized as follows: FD CUSTOMER-FILE. 01 CUSTOMER-REC. 02 CNO PIC XX. 02 CNAME PIC X(10). 02 CITY PIC X(15). 02 NEXT-CUST PIC 99. 02 FIRST-ORDER PIC 99. NEXT-CUST is the record number of the next customer record. FIRST-ORDER is the record number of the first order record for the customer (not all customers have orders pending). The first record is a list header containing the record number of the first record in the list. The last entry in the list points back to the list header. The file ORDER.REL contains information about orders that customers have made. This order file contains only basic information: the line-by-line details of an order is contained in LINE.REL. These last two files are described as follows: FD ORDER-FILE. 01 ORDER-REC. 02 ORDER-KEY. 04 CNO PIC XX. 04 ORDER-NO PIC X(3). 02 DATE-OF-ORDER. 04 MM PIC XX. 04 DD PIC XX. 04 YY PIC XX. 02 NEXT-ORDER-SAME-CUSTOMER PIC 99. 02 NEXT-ORDER PIC 99. 02 FIRST-ORDER-LINE PIC 99. NEXT-ORDER-SAME-CUSTOMER is the record number of the next order for the current customer (0 if there are no more orders). NEXT-ORDER can be ignored for this exercise. FIRST-ORDER-LINE is the record number of the first line record for this order. FD LINE-FILE. 01 LINE-REC. 02 LINE-KEY. 04 ORDER-NO PIC XXX. 04 LINE-NO PIC XX. 02 CATALOG-NO PIC X(5). 02 QTY PIC 99. 02 NEXT-LINE-SAME-ORDER PIC 99. NEXT-LINE-SAME-ORDER is the record number of the next line in the same order (or zero if there are no more line records). The file CATALOG.REL contains information about items for sale and is organized as follows: FD CATALOG-FILE. 01 CATALOG-REC. 02 CATALOG-NO PIC X(5). 02 DESCRIPTION PIC X(20). 02 UNIT-COST PIC 999V99. CATALOG.REL is hashed on CATALOG-NO using a divisor of 7 and a bucked size of 10. All files are in [MATTHEWS.CS255] Write a program which will list each customer; for each customer list the orders the customer has (if any); for each order, list the line items for the order. No formatting is necessary: for full credit on this exercise (15 pts.) it is sufficient simply to print out the record. For 5 pts. extra credit: Format the output a bit. For 10 pts. extra credit: Finish the program by adding catalog information (hash into the catalog file) and retrieve the item description and cost. Product subtotals and totals in your output listing. Call this program LIST01.COB. Output should be directed to the file OUTPUT.LIS. Due: Day of final exam (Monday, Dec. 15)