Computer Science 161 C
Introduction to Computer Science

Meeting times:

8:00 - 8::50 MTThF,
Howarth 112

Quick Links

Lecture schedules


Exam Reviews


Savitch, Walter J; Problem Solving with C++, Addison-Wesley, 1999. We will cover chapters 1 - 14, possibly skiping parts of chapters 11, 13, and 14. In addition there may be a number of handouts distributed throughout the term.


Office hours (tentative):

Office hours are times that you can expect me to be available on a drop-in basis. I usually have obligations 8:00 - 1:00 and 3:00 - 4:00 most days except Wednesday (including office hours). If you find me free at some other time, please feel free to drop in. If you have a problem that may take some time, or if my office hours are not convenient for you, we can arrange an appointment to meet at some other time. Messages sent via email are welcome, and can be used to ask a question or to set up an appointment.



Programming exercises will be graded on style and documentation as well as correctness. Programs must include header documentation as well as adequate internal documentation unless otherwise specified. Late assignments will be accepted (with an increasing penalty) until the graded exercise is returned to the class. All assignments turned in must represent individual effort: work done by a committee cannot be accepted except where a group effort is a clearly stated part of the assignment. All students in Computer Science classes at the University of Puget Sound are responsible for the material contained in the document on academic honesty published by the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and included in the Academic Handbook.
A minimum grade of 50% on exams and 50% on homework assignments is a necessary (but not necessarily sufficient) condition for a passing grade.
Finally, the last date for withdrawing from this class with an automatic W is Monday, Feb. 15 In the event that we do not have an hour exam before that date, I will assign a WP grade to any formal withdrawals (i.e., completed using the necessary form and submitted to the register's office) up to a week after the day that the first hour exam is returned to the class. Of course, should you find yourself in difficulty at any point in the semester, please make arrangements to meet with me as quickly as possible.



I. Introduction

A. Catalog Description

Introduction to computer programming in C++. The course emphasizes the use of the computer as a problem solving tool and the development of good programming style. The course is offered as a service course for students in business, mathematics, and science, and is the introductory course for students planning to major or minor in computer science. Students planning on taking further courses in computer science should select this course.

B. Objectives

C. Prerequisites

To take CSci 161, a student would be expected to have certain minimal quantitative skills. Three years of high school mathematics, Math 111 or its equivalent with a grade of C- or better is required for admission into CSci 161.

II. Required Topics

The following outline represents the "core" material for a CSci 161 course. Each course should cover, at a minimum, these topics.

III. Optional Topics


Students should be held responsible for each topic in the "core". To implement this, each topic should either be the subject of at least one programming exercise or appear on an examination or both.
The list of additional topics are just suggestions. Additional material covered should depend upon the interests of the instructor, class, and the amount of time available.

CSci 161 A Lecture Schedule


Spring 1999


Exam Schedule:

I will try very hard to adhere to the following exam schedule. If it becomes necessary to change the date of an exam (except, of course, the final exam over which I have no control), I will give the class advance notice, and work to make arrangements for students who can not take the exam on the changed date.
The date and time of the final exam is fixed by the Registrar. Should the date and time I have for this exam conflict with the announced schedule, the Registrar's schedule will apply.

Weekly Schedules: