Computer Science 161 Exam #1 review Disclaimer: I have attempted to be comprehensive in the following, but important items may have been omitted by mistake. If you see such an omission, please let me know, but you are responsible for all of the lecture material to date. The first hour exam will be on Friday, Feb. 12, and will cover through section 3.2 1. Be able to describe a computer, defining such terms as ALU, Control Unit, CPU. Be able to describe memory (RAM and ROM). 2. Be able to give a definition of an algorithm. 3. Know the form of a program (you will be asked to write a short but complete program. 4. Be able to use the basic data types we have studied so far. 5. Be able to use assignment statements, and do calculations. Know the order of priority of arithmetic operators. 6. Be able to describe and use the basic control structures discussed so far: in particular the if-then-else statement and the while loop.