Artificial Intelligence: Final Project
Due dates: Monday 5/13 at 8:00 a.m. and Wednesday 5/15 by 11:59 p.m.

For your final project, you will give a presentation and write a report documenting your work. The presentations will happen during our final's time slot (Monday 5/13 at 8:00am). The final reports should be uploaded to Moodle by 11:59pm on Wednesday of final's week.

Group Presentations

Each group will give a 15 minute presentation with 5 additional minutes for questions. Your presentation must include the following information (although not necessarily in this order):

  • A concise statement of the goal of your project

  • Motivation for your project (why is it an important topic?)

  • How you solved the problem. This might include information such as:
    • What specific technique you used
    • The overall architecture of your system
    • How you "trained" your system including the choosing of parameter values
    • A careful explanation of the features that you used to train your system

  • What data did you use in your project. This may or may not be its own section and might include information such as:
    • An actual look at your data (e.g. showing an actual example of the data you used for training)
    • Statistics about your data such as the size of your data set, the number of features, the distribution of labels (if you had labels), etc.

  • Results -- i.e., how well did your solution solve the problem? This might include information such as:
    • Accuracy, precision, recall, etc.
    • Human ratings (e.g. having your friends interact with and then rate your system)
    • Timing (e.g., how fast does your system work)
    • Graphs or plots

  • Finally, future work. If you had more time what is 1 or 2 concrete things you would want to change or want to investigate further?
Please prefer pictures over dense paragraphs or bullet points. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Your presentation grade will be based on:

  • Content (e.g. did you address each of the points above?)
  • Organization
  • Basic speaking style (e.g. could people hear you? were you talking so fast that people were lost?)
  • Your attendance at all presentations

Final Reports

Each group will submit a single report for the final project. I don't need to see any code. However, your report must be complete enough, and clear enough, that I (or anyone else) could fully understand and replicate what you did.

Your report should be typeset using LaTeX (not Word). If you do not have a LaTeX editor downloaded on your machine, I would recommend using Overleaf - an online LaTeX editor that has free personal accounts. Overleaf also has templates already pre-loaded for you. I would recommend using the "Style and Template for Preprints" under the "Academic Journal" templates.

Your paper should be no more than 3 pages. Keep in mind that writing a paper this short takes work and planning. The following are common sections found in research papers:

  • An Introduction that motivates and describes the problem and the results at a high level.
  • A Related Works section that briefly describes existing work that solves the same (or similar) problem. You should add to this section the articles that each of your team members found and read for the earlier literature review.
  • A Background section that explains any background information necessary to understand the problem or your approach.
  • A System Description section that provides the details of how you constructed your system, how it works, and how you tailored the algorithms described in the previous section to the problem at hand.
  • A Results section that describes how well the system performs. A format that often works well here is to first explain your evaluation techniques, provide their results, and then explain those results and what they say about the problem and about your approach(es) to it.
  • A Conclusion, usually very brief, in which you can summarize your system and the results. In addition, this is a chance to be less scientific in your opinions about the project and a chance to put it in the larger context of larger, more general problems (such as the general vision problem or a broad subfield).

Your report will be graded on:

  • Adherence to the rules of English grammar
  • The overall organization of your paper - your sections flow logically from an introduction to a conclusion with appropriate sections and sub-sections to describe your data and model
  • The clarity of your writing
  • More guidelines may be added to address your specific project.

Submission Instructions

Please submit an electronic copy of both your presentation slides and your final report on Moodle. If you do not want your slides used as an example for future AI classes, please let me know.

You should submit your slides before our final's time (Monday at 8:00am) and submit your report by 11:59pm on Wednesday of final's week.