Artificial Intelligence Final Project Proposal
Due date: 4/5 in class

Final Project Proposal and Literature Review

Your final project in this class should be a topic that interests you that you want to explore more. This proposal will help you clarify what you want to do and ensure that you can complete it within the last month of the class.

Final presentations will be during our 2-hour finals slot (May 12th). Since we only have 2 hours, there's not enough time for every person to work by themselves. As such, you are required to work with at least one other person for this project.

Your project proposal and literature review should be typed and printed and submitted in-class.

Project Proposal
Please submit one project proposal per group. Your proposal should address the following items (in complete sentences where applicable):

  • List the names of the people in your group.
  • Give a clear and concise problem statement.
  • State the motivation for this problem -- i.e., why is this an important/interesting problem to solve?
  • Describe the techniques you will use to solve the problem described above. Be specific. List the URLs for any libraries you will use.
  • What sources of data will you use to solve the problem? List the URLs to any online sources of data.
  • How will you evaluate your approach? Be specific.
Note that this requires you to meet with your partner to come up with a fun, interesting, and compelling project. Feel free to ask me for advice on what is feasible. Also, you can see a list of past projects here.

Literature Reviews
Each person in your group should find, read, and review one journal article or conference publication related to what you would like to do for your final project. The literature review will help you gauge the feasibility of your idea, provide ideas for techniques to solve the problem, and expose you to some of the current research in AI.

  1. Finding your literature
    Your first task is to select a paper related to your final project idea to read and review. Each member of your group should read and review a different article so that all of you have different background knowledge. If you're stuck on where to find papers or topics, look on the Resources page

  2. Read and Summarize/Review Articles
    Write a review of your paper. Please use a short-answer format. In particular, you should specifically address each of the points below:
    • (State concisely) What problem are the authors trying to solve?
    • Summarize the approach the authors use to solve the problem. Please discuss any novel contributions the authors make (i.e. what part of their approach is their own novel contribution?)
    • What are the limitations of this work? To answer this question, imagine you are trying to actually use the authors' solution. What problems might you encounter? What assumptions are unreasonable? Is the solution easily implemented? Is the time/space complexity reasonable? Does it require tuning lots of parameters? Does it actually solve the problem?!
    • What are the strengths of this work? Use the same approach to answer this question.

    Here are some tips for writing your review:

    • I won't read the paper you're reviewing so make sure to clearly explain what the problem is and what the solution is, providing enough background/explanation so that your review can stand alone.
    • Please cite specific examples from the paper whenever possible.
    • Imagine that your comments will be read by the authors of the paper. Make your comments constructive/helpful rather than just critical.

Submission Instructions

Please type and print the project proposal and literature review. Each group should write one proposal. Each member of the group should do their own literature review. These will be turned in at the beginning of class.