CS 361: Algorithms and Data Structures
Extra Credit Assignment
Due date: 12/5/18 by 11:59pm

This assignment is extra credit! If you choose to do this assignment, you must do it by yourself -- i.e., this is not a pair programming assignment.

This assignment asks you to implement a Red Black Tree with search, insert, and delete functionality. The starter code can be accessed here. You will notice that I have already created two Java classes with some starter code: RedBlackTree.java and Node.java. Please do not change the method definitions or the names of the instance variables (although you can and should add additional instance variables and private methods) since this will break my unit tests.

Feel free to use the pseudocode posted on the course webpage and the pseudocode from the reading.

Submission Instructions

Your Java code should be submitted in a zipped directory and uploaded to Moodle. The directory should contain all necessary Java files. I have not determined yet how much credit (or partial credit) this assignment is worth however it will contribute to the "Homework" portion of your grade.

Last modified: Fri Jan 24 10:58:47 PST 2014