Computer Science 151
Artificial Intelligence
Spring 2014

Course Page Syllabus Assignments Resources Sandbox

Course Overview: In this course, you will be introduced to various topics in the broad field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While it is not possible to introduce you to all subfields of AI in one semester, you will be exposed to the following topics: a history of AI, search, reasoning, probabilistic models in AI, speech recognition, supervised learning techniques, clustering, natural language processing, and philosophical issues in AI. In addition to a firm understanding of these topics, I hope that you also leave this class with an awareness of the state of research in this field, as well as the current challenges.

Prerequisite: Computer Science 52 or instructor's permission.

Time and Place:  MWF 10:00-10:50am in Lincoln 1135

Prof. America Chambers
Edmunds 221

Course Web Page:
Announcements will be posted via Piazza, assignments will be posted on the assignments page, and useful texts and tutorials will be posted on the resources page.

Russell, Stuart and Norvig, Peter. (2010) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Third Edition). New Jersey, Prentice Hall.

This book is a required text. You will have a reading assignment for every class period and material from these readings will be on the exams.

Computer Systems:
We will be using the Linux systems of the Computer Science Department. To obtain an account, go to and follow the link "Request an account." Do this right away! After submitting the request, you'll have to visit the system administrator in Edmunds 219 for your account info. You will need this account in order to submit your work for the course.

Your work in this course will fall into several major areas which are described below.

Readings will be taken from the textbook as well as from recent literature. The textbook is quite clear and I strongly recommend that you read it. Material from the readings will be on the quizzes. The readings for each class (in addition to lecture slides) will be posted on the assignments page.

There will be 6 homework assignments in this class. Each assignment will be a mix of programming and written questions. The programming questions will ask you to implement an algorithm (in Python) that we have discussed in class and apply it to the game of Pac-man. Each assignment will also contain a set of optional questions. These optional questions are ungraded and are provided to help you better understand the material and prepare for quizzes. For some assignments you will be required to work on your own whereas for others you will have the option of working with a partner.

There will be two midterm exams covering course material. The two in-class exams are tentatively scheduled for March 12th and April 23rd. These dates are subject to change.

Final Project:
During the last month of the semester, you will complete a final project (either in pairs or individually). You will propose a project in the area of your choice (related to something we covered in the course) including a problem and a solution to the problem. After your proposal is approved, you will implement this solution, write a final paper in which you document your solution and relate it to literature in that area, and finally present your work to the class.

Submitting your assignments (Late Policy):
All assignments will be posted on the assignments page. Each assignment will specify a due date and time. See the assignments page for details on how to submit your work. Assignments are due at the date and time specified. Late work will be penalized (15% per day late) except for serious illness or similar emergencies (in which case, a notification from the Dean or the Health center is required). For the programming assignments, the code in the files you submit must compile and run without errors. No partial credit will be given for a submission that does not compile!

Grading:  Grades in the course are based on four components.

Assignments 50%
Quizzes 20% (10% each)
Final Project 25%
Class Attendance 5%

Class attendance is required and will be reflected in your grade. While there is no final "exam" for this course, you will be presenting your final project work during our scheduled final exam time (Thursday, May 15th at 9am) - as noted in Pomona's final exam schedule. Attendance for the entire finals period is required.

Policy on Academic Honesty:

We highly encourage students to get together in small groups to go over material from the lectures and text, work problems from the text, study for exams, etc. However, work to be turned in, including programming assignments, must be done independently, unless we explicitly designate an assignment as one in which collaboration is allowed.

As explained in the student handbook, this means that the work you turn in must represent only your own work. It must not be based on help from others or information obtained from sources other than those approved by the instructors (e.g., the text, web pages linked from the course web page, and materials provided in lecture). Effective learning is compromised when this is not the case.

Accordingly, you should never read or copy another student's code or solutions, exchange computer files, or share your code or solutions with anyone else in the class until after the assignment is due. Under no circumstances may you use solutions or code found via the internet or hand in work done by, or in collaboration with, someone else under your own name, with the exception that you may freely use any code that we provide to you or code from the textbook, as long as you cite this code as coming from the instructors or the book. Additionally, the student mentors are allowed to help you with your code. Identical, or nearly identical, submissions will be considered conclusive evidence of plagarism.

Failure to abide by these rules is considered plagiarism. Violations are easy to identify and will be dealt with promptly. The first offense typically results in failure in the course. A second offense is automatically referred to the College's Board of Academic Discipline. See the Academic Honesty Policy in the Student Handbook for further information. Please do not put us, yourself, or anyone else in this unpleasant situation. Contact the instructor if you have questions about what is appropriate collaboration.

Campus Resources:
  1. To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Dean Collins-Eaglin

  2. The Quantitative Skills Center is a new learning center dedicated to supporting quantitative skill development for Pomona students. The QSC offers free group and individual study sessions facilitated by our QSC Fellows. We offer a number of course-specific study sessions, but you can also meet with a Fellow to review specific topics (for example: exponential and logarithmic functions, single and multivariate equations, balancing chemical equations, basic statistical analyses, etc.) used in a wide variety of courses. To find out more details and sign up for a study session, please visit

  3. The Writing Center (on the ground floor of Smith Campus Center across from the Living Room) offers students free, one-on-one consultations at any stage of the writing process - from generating a thesis and structuring an argument to fine-tuning a draft. We also work with students on all aspects of oral presentations. The Writing Fellows - Pomona students majoring in subjects including Economics, Computer Science, English, and History - will work with you on an assignment from any discipline. Consultations are available by appointment, which you can make online: The Writing Center also offers drop-in hours Sundays through Thursdays from 8-10pm.

Last modified: Thu Jan 16 11:21:59 PST 2014
Image of circuit brain taken from