Artificial Intelligence Homework 2
Due: 9/17/14 by 11:59pm
(Solo assignment)

Written questions [30 points]

The purpose of these questions is to ensure that you understand the basics of the search algorithms discussed in class. Your answers should be typed and submitted as a pdf (e.g. you can type your answers using Word and print to pdf or use LaTeX). Some questions may ask you to draw a portion of a search tree so you'll need to figure out how to "draw" the tree on the computer.

  1. [5 points] AIMA 3.6d (Give the states, initial state, actions, goal test, and action cost)
  2. [10 points] AIMA 3.15 (a and b only)
  3. [5 points] AIMA 3.18
  4. [10 points] AIMA 3.23
Programming project [70 points]

This programming project asks you to implement 4 search algorithms to help Pac-man navigate through a maze in search of food: breadth-first search, depth-first search, uniform cost search, and A-star search. You will also experiment with developing consistent heuristics for Pac-man.

Since this is the first Pac-man project, set aside additional time so that you can familiarize yourself with the existing Python infrastructure! You can autograde your solutions to help you catch any bugs and errors.

NOTE: You do not have to do Question 8: Suboptimal Search!

If you're ready, click here to begin.

Ungraded optional problems (Solutions to these problems will be posted after the homework due date.)
  1. AIMA 3.10
  2. AIMA 3.21
  3. AIMA 3.29
  4. Fill in the following table. You should be able to provide a single-sentence explanation for each entry in the table. (Be explicit about whether you're assuming TreeSearch or GraphSearch.)

    Search Algorithm Time Space Complete? Optimal?

Submission Instructions

You'll be turning in the "search" directory which should contain your modified and Python files. Add the pdf of your answers to the written questions to the "search" directory. Then rename the "search" directory to "hw2_LastNameFirstName". Zip (compress) the directory and upload it using this URL.

Last modified: Tue Jul 15 13:37:59 PDT 2014