Given the Person class definition below, write the destructor. In person.h: #ifndef PERSON_H #define PERSON_H #include using namespace std; class Person{ public: Person(const string& first, const string& last, int id); Person(const Person& rhs); const Person& operator=(const Person& rhs); string getFirst() const; string getLast() const; void setLast(const string& newLast); int getId() const; string toString() const; private: string* first; string* last; int id; }; #endif In person.cpp: #include "Person.h" #include using namespace std; Person::Person(const string& first, const string& last, int id){ this->first = new string(first); this->last = new string(last); this->id = id; } Person::Person(const Person& rhs){ first = new string(*rhs.first); last = new string(*rhs.last); id =; } const Person& Person::operator=(const Person& rhs){ if( this != &rhs ){ delete first; delete last; *first = new string(*rhs.first); *last = new string(*rhs.last); id =; } return *this; } string Person::getFirst() const{ return *first; } string Person::getLast() const{ return *last; } void Person::setLast(const string& newLast){ *last = newLast; } int Person::getId() const{ return id; } string Person::toString() const{ stringstream s; s << id; return s.str() + ": " + (*first) + " " + (*last); } See the solution below. Solution: Person::~Person(){ delete first; delete last; }